For Parents and Guardians

What is being involved in a sorority all about?
Knowing what you have seen on television and read in the local newspaper, the reality is that those are extreme cases of sorority life. What the media will not tell you as a parent is that there are many lifelong benefits to sorority membership. A sorority offers a small community of friends away from home. Additionally, national research has shown that involvement in fraternities and sororities increases students’ chances of graduating from college. As a lifelong member of a sorority, students are offered the opportunity to develop as leaders, serve the community, and focus on academics and their future careers by connecting with local alumni members of Greek organizations.

My daughter is considering joining a sorority, what advice should I give her?
Since joining a sorority is a lifelong commitment, and there is an expense associated with membership, it should be a joint decision between student and parent. Consider sitting down with your daughter and researching all of the options. Utilizing local chapters and national websites are a great, convenient way to gather information. Feel free to contact students who are currently involved and ask about their experiences. In most cases, both students and parents will speak candidly about their Greek involvement.

It can be perceived that a sorority membership may compromise a student’s safety and well-being.
This certainly is not the case with Kappa Phi Lambda. In order to be recognized by any given university, all Greek organizations are required to follow strict alcohol, anti-hazing and risk management policies. The policies are in accordance with law, and are enforced by both university administrators and members of sororities themselves. In addition, all organizations should have at least one university faculty or staff advisor to assist and ensure that the organization is promoting a safe environment for its members on campus.

What are the costs of being a member of Kappa Phi Lambda?
Dues are paid each semester to the national sorority and the respective chapter. Every chapter sets up their own financial dues based on programming, leadership development activities, sisterhood retreats and other events or discretionary costs on top of national membership dues.

What is Kappa Phi Lambda's stance on hazing and alcohol?
Kappa Phi Lambda outlines its position on matters important to our members through the Kappa Phi Lambda national Policies and Procedures. These policies and position statements cover our stance on hazing, human dignity, sexual harassment, media and internet usage. Contact Kappa Phi Lambda to learn more about these policies.

Will my child's grades be affected during and after the New Member Process?
Kappa Phi Lambda requires its members to maintain a minimum GPA. Some parents worry that the extra social events and responsibilities of being in a sorority might take away from their student's time for academics. Being a sorority member is a time commitment, but one of the core values of sororities is scholastic excellence. Kappa Phi Lambda maintains a certain grade point average that members must maintain throughout their college experience. If members do not meet this requirement, chapters offer resources to members to receive assistance. Often chapters organize incentives and awards for the most improved GPAs or the best GPAs. Kappa Phi Lambda promotes the importance of a quality education, and academic excellence is a priority.

As a parent, what role do I have in my child’s interest in Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority?
As a parent we know that there may be a level of hesitation when it comes to your child’s interest in Kappa Phi Lambda. We encourage you to ask questions. Get the answers you need so that your mind can be at ease with the decision of your child. Keep an open mind: You should not base your opinions of Kappa Phi Lambda on some of the movies and television shows that have been created to portray Greek Life in a certain manner. Kappa Phi Lambda has a Zero Tolerance Policy for any kind of hazing. Please communicate with your child. Ask questions about things that you may think are abnormal. Trust your child, allow your child to demonstrate their maturity, strength and benevolence. You raised your child and know that your child is capable of making the right decisions. If you are seeking further guidance, please connect with the regional coordinator.

Will my child be living in a sorority house?
Sorority housing is not available at all chapters of Kappa Phi Lambda however some do offer housing. Members live on and off campus and make their own collegiate housing arrangements.

What kind of networking opportunities are there?
With over 4,000 sisters nationwide and a close bond that connects us all – there are infinite networking opportunities. Many alumnae sisters actively participate in sorority activities post-college. They are also involved in alum-only sisterhood activities and are kept updated through an alumnae network and close friendships. Years after graduation, sisters find success both professionally and personally, all the while continuing to represent the sorority’s letters. Becoming a sister of Kappa Phi Lambda also provides members a foot in the door for further networking opportunities.