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My sisters are the people that are there to celebrate my triumphs and see me through my struggles. It’s more than friendship; it’s a bond that transcends race, religion, age, background, and way of life. It’s finding an unconditional love in the most unexpected people. It’s the comfort in knowing that no matter where you find yourself in life, you will always have a home with your sisters.

Krizzia Yanga *BAMF*
I’ve always had a hard time finding my place in social circles. I wanted people to see me as a tomboy, but I wanted to be able to hang out with girls and I wanted to be considered in the cool crowd. It took me a very long time to understand that #WhereIBelong was just with people that accepted me for the quirky and geeky person that I am. I didn’t need to mold myself into people’s lives. I’ve found that in my current group of friends and the people that I have come across during my time as a sister of #KappaPhiLambda and I could not be happier.