On the fence about applying to join Kappa Phi Lambda? Check out our frequently asked questions below. If you have additional questions, please contact your campus Chapter or Associate Chapter.
What kind of qualities are you looking for in potential new members?
Are you interested in becoming a member of Kappa Phi Lambda?
What are the safety risks associated with membership in a sorority?
It can be perceived that a sorority membership may compromise a student’s safety and well-being. This certainly is not the case with Kappa Phi Lambda. In order to be recognized by any given university, all Greek organizations are required to follow strict alcohol, anti-hazing and risk management policies. The policies are in accordance with law, and are enforced by both university administrators and members of sororities themselves. In addition, all organizations should have at least one university faculty or staff advisor to assist and ensure that the organization is promoting a safe environment for its members on campus.
If I join, will I have time to do anything else?
Once a new member joins Kappa Phi Lambda, they are elected into leadership roles within the Chapter or Associate Chapter. Sisters stay actively involved in a variety of volunteer/leadership roles throughout their college career. Like with any organization, joining a sorority is a commitment, but each sister can decide how much time is dedicated to it on a regular basis. Many of our sisters find themselves extremely dedicated to our sorority while still actively participating in other cultural/academic organizations, volunteering, holding part-time jobs, doing research, maintaining hobbies, studying, and more.
How is being in a sorority different from having a group of friends?
Joining our sorority helps you develop friendships and leadership and interpersonal skills all the while serving a larger purpose. Sisters who join make a positive and significant impact on each other and their local communities. Kappa Phi Lambda provides a national network of sisters who actively travel, meet, and work together to advance our pillars of Sisterhood, Service and Cultural Diversity. After graduation, sisters continue to stay in touch and get to attend local alumnae events and various professional development and personal development events hosted by the national sorority.
What kind of networking opportunities are there?
With over 4,000 sisters nationwide and a close bond that connects us all – there are infinite networking opportunities. Many alumnae sisters actively participate in sorority activities post-college. They are also involved in alum-only sisterhood activities and are kept updated through an alumnae network and close friendships. Years after graduation, sisters find success both professionally and personally, all the while continuing to represent the sorority’s letters. Becoming a sister of Kappa Phi Lambda also provides members a foot in the door for further networking opportunities.
If I join, will I get to live in a sorority house?
Sorority housing is not available at all chapters of Kappa Phi Lambda however some do offer housing. It is common for sisters to want to room together after joining however it is not required. Members live on and off campus and make their own collegiate housing arrangements.
What are the costs of being a member?
Dues are paid each semester to the national sorority and the respective chapter. Every chapter sets up their own financial dues based on programming, leadership development activities, sisterhood retreats and other events or discretionary costs on top of national membership dues.
What is expected of sorority members?
Upon joining Kappa Phi Lambda, sisters are expected to plan and execute a variety of programming that promotes sisterhood, service and cultural diversity on their campus. Programming includes participating in community service events, facilitating social events for sisters, planning and moderating workshops and presentations on relevant topics. Each collegiate sister in good standing has the opportunity to take on leadership roles and serve on the Executive Board or Minor Board. From running recruitment events, hosting events, volunteering via a nonprofit, raising money toward a cause, sisters contribute their time and skills to advance the sorority mission. Sisters are expected to adhere to all Kappa Phi Lambda regulations, federal laws, state laws and their campus/university regulations at all times and must demonstrate mature behavior of highest standards.
Upon graduation, alumnae have the option of joining the National Alumnae Association (NAA) to stay connected, continue to meet fellow alumnae across many chapters and work on various sorority initiatives.
Is Greek life all about partying and drinking?
When a new member joins Kappa Phi Lambda, they are expected to demonstrate mature conduct and adhere to all federal and local laws and demonstrate the highest standards of behavior that positively reflect our sorority’s values and fellow members. While partying and drinking can easily be found in college experience, Kappa Phi Lambda encourages members to uphold highest standards of behavior, maturity, healthy decision-making and responsibility.
In any collegiate chapter activity or event sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, including those that occur on or off chapter premises, the chapter, members, and guests must comply with all federal, state, provincial, local and campus/university social policy laws. No person under the legal drinking age may possess, consume, provide, sell or be provided alcoholic beverages.
Does Kappa Phi Lambda haze?
In media portrayals, Greek life is commonly known for hazing. Kappa Phi Lambda has no tolerance for hazing and enforces an anti-hazing policy via the National Constitution and Risk Management Policy. Aside from following university policies and state laws, Kappa Phi Lambda holds members to high standards of conduct. All existing and prospective members have the right to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect. Kappa Phi Lambda’s New Member Process has been revised several times to ensure that if offers a safe and positive environment for potential new members. Kappa Phi Lambda is focused on nurturing prospective members to become successful sisters.
Will my grades be affected?
Kappa Phi Lambda requires its members to maintain a minimum GPA throughout their college career. You may worry that the extra social events and responsibilities of being in a sorority might take away from your time for academics. Being a sorority member is a time commitment, but one of the core values of Kappa Phi Lambda is academic excellence. If members do not meet national and chapter GPA requirements, chapters offer resources to members to receive assistance. Sisters develop a variety of skills to help manage their workloads in college such as time management, attention to detail and organization many of which help sisters achieve academic excellence and become more efficient in life.
Chapters often organize incentives and awards for the most improved GPAs or the highest GPAs. Kappa Phi Lambda promotes the importance of a quality education and academic excellence is a priority.
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